Free Layouts for MySpace

I made my layout with the Myspace Background Maker. Get myspace layouts, graphics, and flash toys at pYzam.
text-decoration:color:black;#000000 } a:visited { color:black;#000000#ffffff; text-decoration:Color:black; } a:hover { color:#000000; text-decoration:underline; } a img { border-width:0; } /* Header ----------------------------------------------- */ #header-wrapper { width:660px; margin:0 auto 10px; border:1px solid #191919; background-color:#000000; filter:alpha(opacity=80); -moz-opacity:0.80; opacity:0.80; -khtml-opacity:0.80; } #header-inner { background-position: center; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; } #header { margin: 5px; border: 1px solid #000000 text-align: center; color:black;#e6e6e6; background-color:#e6e6e6; filter:alpha(opacity=80); -moz-opacity:0.80; opacity:0.80; -khtml-opacity:0.80; } #header h1 { margin:5px 5px 0; padding:15px 20px .25em; line-height:1.2em; text-transform:uppercase; letter-spacing:.2em; font:Color:gray;#e6e6e6 normal normal 200% Georgia, Serif; } #header a { color:#e6e6e6; text-decoration:color:black; 000000 } #header a:hover { color:black;#000000; 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Saturday, August 16, 2008

Legacy Center

Yesterday we tried out a few new things that were desperately needed. Boyd was able to try out his new car seat. I felt so bad putting him in his old one with his head to the top and his feet/legs hanging off the seat... (He hated going into his car seat near the end. ) Boyd looks much more comfortable in his new chair.
For breakfast we were able to try out his new or should I say his first buster/ high chair... I love this thing... Boyd not so much, but he'll get over it... :)
We went to the Legacy Center in Lehi with Tracy and Joseph. It was so much fun! Its a small Raging waters for the kids. There was so much to do.
They had this fun set up for the younger swimmers even Boyd was able to play in there infant seats which let me take a few pictures...

But within a few hours he had to much excitement... So me being the nice mom I am... :) just let him sleep and I had to suffer and lay out in the sun... :) It was so nice!!! I can't wait to go again next week...


Olsen's said...

I need to try out that place! It looks so much fun and Addi loves water well sometimes! You really wore him out!

Molly Jolley said...

He looks so cute in the car seat. hes going to love facing front and you are going to love the high chair its so nice and helpful.

Shelley said...

Laurie!!! I can't believe you are not invited...please email me at shelley r chalk at hotmail dot com. That place looks so fun, I hope Friday works.....I might have another commitment. Mark's brother is coming into town for the week and he flies out Friday, but I haven't heard what time....Anyways, email me!

Amanda said...

Oh, I love that picture with his tongue. Too funny. I can't believe how fast he is growing. Tell him to stop or at least to slow down.

Anonymous said...

I love how Boyd looks in his booster seat...almost like he can't figure out what's going on but that it must be good if it involves food! The legacy center was a blast...I'll have to see if I can make it next week. (The hours change so we could go earlier if we want...)