Free Layouts for MySpace

I made my layout with the Myspace Background Maker. Get myspace layouts, graphics, and flash toys at pYzam.
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Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Boyds 1st Birthday!!!

Boyd had his first birthday on the 5th... It was so much fun. And for the family members that couldn't make it these are for you... We miss you guys... But I warn you now there are a LOT of pictures!!!
For dinner We made Pizza from scratch... It was really fun watching all the kids make there own pizza. It turned out very yummy!!! We had tables set up with paper as the table cloth so the kids could color while the pizza baked.
Hunter and Preston


After dinner we put the tables away and had a pinata...
Boyd went first and Chris helped him. His first time through he wasn't quite sure what to do, but once he watched his cousins take there turn his second time was much more enjoyable.

Chris made and painted the sword that we used. It looks pretty sweet especially with the inlaid fishing wobbler's that Chris' Grandfather, Boyd painted.
Boyd likes to hit things to make noise, so he loved the pinata.
Boyd's Black pirate hat became the pinata hat, all the boys wanted to wear it while they hit the pinata.


Boyd was really happy to find all the candy...
Boyd did really well opening up his presents..
And he loved them all... (Thanks again everyone!)

Boyd and Chris
But after opening a couple, he lost interest and just wanted to play.
His cousins didn't mind helping him open the rest of the gifts while he played on his new drum.
Then it was time for CAKE!!!
we served the cake on a platter that Chris' father made 30 years ago, it has been used for years for all the Gunderson Cakes. Grandma Dorothy was sweet to let me keep that tradition going for Boyd.
He was so cute trying to blow out the candle...

The night was so busy we forgot to take a picture of the cake before I cut into it.

Next came my favorite part of the night. Eating the CAKE!!!
He was very neat and careful about it at first.
We gave him the option to use a fork.
But that wasn't going fast enough for him, so it was back to using his hands.he later just picked up the whole piece and snarfed it down.

This would be his second piece(with a lot more frosting)...
I think he was excited to be so dirty...
It was so much fun... After every bite he would make clicking noises with is tongue.
Of course it got in his hair...
But he loved every second of it...
Especially when he got some milk to help wash it down...
Here are some of my favorite pictures...

Happy Birthday Boyd We Love you!!! You have grown up so fast. You are so smart, we are so proud of you. We can't wait to see you helping and teaching you little brother or sister in September... We LOVE you Boyd.


Jill Duncan said...

Happy birthday Boyd! That looks like a fun party! Laurie your pregnant?!?! Congrats!!!

Marci Jolley said...

Cute pics!!! I love the last few of him eating cake. I wish we could have been there. I love it that Chris made a wood sord for the pinata.

Miss ya!

Olsen's said...

HAppy Birthday Boyd! Looks like he had a great party!! I'm so excited for you and it will be so fun to have them so close in age!

Ashlie said...

YOU ARE PREGNANT???? Congrats that is so awesome!!!

Liz said...

Soooo cute Laurie!! I can't believe that he's ONE already!!! WOW! :D

I love that he has your eyes!! (At least the shape of them..!)

Too cute girl! :D LOVE & HUGS FROM ORYGUN...

Anonymous said...

Sorry I didn't catch this post earlier...what a great party! Happy 1st birthday to Boyd. I can't believe how grown up he looks :) We really miss you guys especially when these important days roll around and everyone gets together without us. I'll see you guys in June, though (hooray!)

Molly Jolley said...

looks like a fun party. love the cake. so cute. we miss you guys wish we could have been there to help celebrate. looks like boyd liked his cake.